An example of python implementation of the Hough transform to detect straight lines in an image. Let's consider the following image:
Step 1: Open the image
Using the python module scipy:
from scipy import misc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.ndimage.filters as filters
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
img = misc.imread('pentagon.png')
print 'image shape: ', img.shape
plt.imshow(img, )
Step 2: Hough space
Calculate the Hough space for a range of r and theta
img_shape = img.shape
x_max = img_shape[0]
y_max = img_shape[1]
theta_max = 1.0 * math.pi
theta_min = 0.0
r_min = 0.0
r_max = math.hypot(x_max, y_max)
r_dim = 200
theta_dim = 300
hough_space = np.zeros((r_dim,theta_dim))
for x in range(x_max):
for y in range(y_max):
if img[x,y,0] == 255: continue
for itheta in range(theta_dim):
theta = 1.0 * itheta * theta_max / theta_dim
r = x * math.cos(theta) + y * math.sin(theta)
ir = r_dim * ( 1.0 * r ) / r_max
hough_space[ir,itheta] = hough_space[ir,itheta] + 1
plt.imshow(hough_space, origin='lower')
tick_locs = [i for i in range(0,theta_dim,40)]
tick_lbls = [round( (1.0 * i * theta_max) / theta_dim,1) for i in range(0,theta_dim,40)]
plt.xticks(tick_locs, tick_lbls)
tick_locs = [i for i in range(0,r_dim,20)]
tick_lbls = [round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1) for i in range(0,r_dim,20)]
plt.yticks(tick_locs, tick_lbls)
plt.title('Hough Space')
Step 3: Find the maximums
After calculating the Hough space, the next step is to find the local extrema. There are several approaches to do that (deterministic or stochastic), here a simple deterministic has been used (see Get coordinates of local maxima in 2D array above certain value):
neighborhood_size = 20
threshold = 140
data_max = filters.maximum_filter(hough_space, neighborhood_size)
maxima = (hough_space == data_max)
data_min = filters.minimum_filter(hough_space, neighborhood_size)
diff = ((data_max - data_min) > threshold)
maxima[diff == 0] = 0
labeled, num_objects = ndimage.label(maxima)
slices = ndimage.find_objects(labeled)
x, y = [], []
for dy,dx in slices:
x_center = (dx.start + dx.stop - 1)/2
y_center = (dy.start + dy.stop - 1)/2
print x
print y
plt.imshow(hough_space, origin='lower')
plt.savefig('hough_space_i_j.png', bbox_inches = 'tight')
plt.plot(x,y, 'ro')
plt.savefig('hough_space_maximas.png', bbox_inches = 'tight')
Step 4: Plot straight lines
Let's plot the straight lines associated to the first 5 local extrema in the original image:
Note that some lines are not detected perfectly. To improve the algorithm there are several solutions, it is possible for examples to use a smaller resolution for r and theta or to use a gradient descent to find the minimums:
line_index = 1
for i,j in zip(y, x):
r = round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1)
theta = round( (1.0 * j * theta_max) / theta_dim,1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
px = []
py = []
for i in range(-y_max-40,y_max+40,1):
px.append( math.cos(-theta) * i - math.sin(-theta) * r )
py.append( math.sin(-theta) * i + math.cos(-theta) * r )
ax.plot(px,py, linewidth=10)
plt.savefig("image_line_"+ "%02d" % line_index +".png",bbox_inches='tight')
line_index = line_index + 1
Note: to detect straight lines in a more complex image, a canny filter can be first applied.
Code source
from scipy import misc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
# Step 1: read image
img = misc.imread('pentagon.png')
print 'image shape: ', img.shape
plt.imshow(img, )
# Step 2: Hough Space
img_shape = img.shape
x_max = img_shape[0]
y_max = img_shape[1]
theta_max = 1.0 * math.pi
theta_min = 0.0
r_min = 0.0
r_max = math.hypot(x_max, y_max)
r_dim = 200
theta_dim = 300
hough_space = np.zeros((r_dim,theta_dim))
for x in range(x_max):
for y in range(y_max):
if img[x,y,0] == 255: continue
for itheta in range(theta_dim):
theta = 1.0 * itheta * theta_max / theta_dim
r = x * math.cos(theta) + y * math.sin(theta)
ir = r_dim * ( 1.0 * r ) / r_max
hough_space[ir,itheta] = hough_space[ir,itheta] + 1
plt.imshow(hough_space, origin='lower')
tick_locs = [i for i in range(0,theta_dim,40)]
tick_lbls = [round( (1.0 * i * theta_max) / theta_dim,1) for i in range(0,theta_dim,40)]
plt.xticks(tick_locs, tick_lbls)
tick_locs = [i for i in range(0,r_dim,20)]
tick_lbls = [round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1) for i in range(0,r_dim,20)]
plt.yticks(tick_locs, tick_lbls)
plt.title('Hough Space')
# Find maximas 1
Sorted_Index_HoughTransform = np.argsort(hough_space, axis=None)
print 'Sorted_Index_HoughTransform[0]', Sorted_Index_HoughTransform[0]
#print Sorted_Index_HoughTransform.shape, r_dim * theta_dim
shape = Sorted_Index_HoughTransform.shape
k = shape[0] - 1
list_r = []
list_theta = []
for d in range(5):
i = int( Sorted_Index_HoughTransform[k] / theta_dim )
#print i, round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1)
list_r.append(round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1))
j = Sorted_Index_HoughTransform[k] - theta_dim * i
print 'Maxima', d+1, 'r: ', j, 'theta', round( (1.0 * j * theta_max) / theta_dim,1)
list_theta.append(round( (1.0 * j * theta_max) / theta_dim,1))
print "--------------------"
k = k - 1
#theta = list_theta[7]
#r = list_r[7]
#print " r,theta",r,theta, math.degrees(theta)
# Step 3: Find maximas 2
import scipy.ndimage.filters as filters
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
neighborhood_size = 20
threshold = 140
data_max = filters.maximum_filter(hough_space, neighborhood_size)
maxima = (hough_space == data_max)
data_min = filters.minimum_filter(hough_space, neighborhood_size)
diff = ((data_max - data_min) > threshold)
maxima[diff == 0] = 0
labeled, num_objects = ndimage.label(maxima)
slices = ndimage.find_objects(labeled)
x, y = [], []
for dy,dx in slices:
x_center = (dx.start + dx.stop - 1)/2
y_center = (dy.start + dy.stop - 1)/2
print x
print y
plt.imshow(hough_space, origin='lower')
plt.savefig('hough_space_i_j.png', bbox_inches = 'tight')
plt.plot(x,y, 'ro')
plt.savefig('hough_space_maximas.png', bbox_inches = 'tight')
# Step 4: Plot lines
line_index = 1
for i,j in zip(y, x):
r = round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1)
theta = round( (1.0 * j * theta_max) / theta_dim,1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
px = []
py = []
for i in range(-y_max-40,y_max+40,1):
px.append( math.cos(-theta) * i - math.sin(-theta) * r )
py.append( math.sin(-theta) * i + math.cos(-theta) * r )
ax.plot(px,py, linewidth=10)
plt.savefig("image_line_"+ "%02d" % line_index +".png",bbox_inches='tight')
line_index = line_index + 1
# Plot lines
i = 11
j = 264
i = y[1]
j = x[1]
print i,j
r = round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1)
theta = round( (1.0 * j * theta_max) / theta_dim,1)
print 'r', r
print 'theta', theta
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
px = []
py = []
for i in range(-y_max-40,y_max+40,1):
px.append( math.cos(-theta) * i - math.sin(-theta) * r )
py.append( math.sin(-theta) * i + math.cos(-theta) * r )
print px
print py
ax.plot(px,py, linewidth=10)
Links | Site |
Hough transform | wikipedia |
Transformée de Hough | wikipedia |
scikit | scikit |
Get coordinates of local maxima in 2D array above certain value | stackoverflow |