Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform

Published: February 04, 2019 Protection Status

An example of python implementation of the Hough transform to detect straight lines in an image. Let's consider the following image:

Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform
Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform

Step 1: Open the image

Using the python module scipy:

Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform
Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform

from scipy import misc

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math

import scipy.ndimage.filters as filters
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage

img = misc.imread('pentagon.png')

print 'image shape: ', img.shape

plt.imshow(img, )



Step 2: Hough space

Calculate the Hough space for a range of r and theta

Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform
Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform

img_shape = img.shape

x_max = img_shape[0]
y_max = img_shape[1]

theta_max = 1.0 * math.pi 
theta_min = 0.0

r_min = 0.0
r_max = math.hypot(x_max, y_max)

r_dim = 200 
theta_dim = 300

hough_space = np.zeros((r_dim,theta_dim))

for x in range(x_max):
    for y in range(y_max):
        if img[x,y,0] == 255: continue
        for itheta in range(theta_dim):
            theta = 1.0 * itheta * theta_max / theta_dim
            r = x * math.cos(theta) + y * math.sin(theta)
            ir = r_dim * ( 1.0 * r ) / r_max
            hough_space[ir,itheta] = hough_space[ir,itheta] + 1

plt.imshow(hough_space, origin='lower')

tick_locs = [i for i in range(0,theta_dim,40)]
tick_lbls = [round( (1.0 * i * theta_max) / theta_dim,1) for i in range(0,theta_dim,40)]
plt.xticks(tick_locs, tick_lbls)

tick_locs = [i for i in range(0,r_dim,20)]
tick_lbls = [round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1) for i in range(0,r_dim,20)]
plt.yticks(tick_locs, tick_lbls)

plt.title('Hough Space')



Step 3: Find the maximums

After calculating the Hough space, the next step is to find the local extrema. There are several approaches to do that (deterministic or stochastic), here a simple deterministic has been used (see Get coordinates of local maxima in 2D array above certain value):

Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform
Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform

neighborhood_size = 20
threshold = 140

data_max = filters.maximum_filter(hough_space, neighborhood_size)
maxima = (hough_space == data_max)

data_min = filters.minimum_filter(hough_space, neighborhood_size)
diff = ((data_max - data_min) > threshold)
maxima[diff == 0] = 0

labeled, num_objects = ndimage.label(maxima)
slices = ndimage.find_objects(labeled)

x, y = [], []
for dy,dx in slices:
    x_center = (dx.start + dx.stop - 1)/2
    y_center = (dy.start + dy.stop - 1)/2    

print x
print y

plt.imshow(hough_space, origin='lower')
plt.savefig('hough_space_i_j.png', bbox_inches = 'tight')

plt.plot(x,y, 'ro')
plt.savefig('hough_space_maximas.png', bbox_inches = 'tight')


Step 4: Plot straight lines

Let's plot the straight lines associated to the first 5 local extrema in the original image:

Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform
Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform
Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform
Implementing a simple python code to detect straight lines using Hough transform

Note that some lines are not detected perfectly. To improve the algorithm there are several solutions, it is possible for examples to use a smaller resolution for r and theta or to use a gradient descent to find the minimums:

line_index = 1

for i,j in zip(y, x):

    r = round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1)
    theta = round( (1.0 * j * theta_max) / theta_dim,1)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()



    px = []
    py = []
    for i in range(-y_max-40,y_max+40,1):
        px.append( math.cos(-theta) * i - math.sin(-theta) * r ) 
        py.append( math.sin(-theta) * i + math.cos(-theta) * r )

    ax.plot(px,py, linewidth=10)

    plt.savefig("image_line_"+ "%02d" % line_index +".png",bbox_inches='tight')


    line_index = line_index + 1

Note: to detect straight lines in a more complex image, a canny filter can be first applied.

Code source

from scipy import misc

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math

# Step 1: read image

img = misc.imread('pentagon.png')

print 'image shape: ', img.shape

plt.imshow(img, )



# Step 2: Hough Space

img_shape = img.shape

x_max = img_shape[0]
y_max = img_shape[1]

theta_max = 1.0 * math.pi 
theta_min = 0.0

r_min = 0.0
r_max = math.hypot(x_max, y_max)

r_dim = 200 
theta_dim = 300

hough_space = np.zeros((r_dim,theta_dim))

for x in range(x_max):
    for y in range(y_max):
        if img[x,y,0] == 255: continue
        for itheta in range(theta_dim):
            theta = 1.0 * itheta * theta_max / theta_dim
            r = x * math.cos(theta) + y * math.sin(theta)
            ir = r_dim * ( 1.0 * r ) / r_max
            hough_space[ir,itheta] = hough_space[ir,itheta] + 1

plt.imshow(hough_space, origin='lower')

tick_locs = [i for i in range(0,theta_dim,40)]
tick_lbls = [round( (1.0 * i * theta_max) / theta_dim,1) for i in range(0,theta_dim,40)]
plt.xticks(tick_locs, tick_lbls)

tick_locs = [i for i in range(0,r_dim,20)]
tick_lbls = [round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1) for i in range(0,r_dim,20)]
plt.yticks(tick_locs, tick_lbls)

plt.title('Hough Space')



# Find maximas 1
Sorted_Index_HoughTransform =  np.argsort(hough_space, axis=None)

print 'Sorted_Index_HoughTransform[0]', Sorted_Index_HoughTransform[0]
#print Sorted_Index_HoughTransform.shape, r_dim * theta_dim

shape = Sorted_Index_HoughTransform.shape

k = shape[0] - 1
list_r = []
list_theta = []
for d in range(5):
    i = int( Sorted_Index_HoughTransform[k] / theta_dim )
    #print i, round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1)
    list_r.append(round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1))
    j = Sorted_Index_HoughTransform[k] - theta_dim * i
    print 'Maxima', d+1, 'r: ', j, 'theta', round( (1.0 * j * theta_max) / theta_dim,1)
    list_theta.append(round( (1.0 * j * theta_max) / theta_dim,1))
    print "--------------------"
    k = k - 1

#theta = list_theta[7]
#r = list_r[7]

#print " r,theta",r,theta, math.degrees(theta)
# Step 3: Find maximas 2

import scipy.ndimage.filters as filters
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage

neighborhood_size = 20
threshold = 140

data_max = filters.maximum_filter(hough_space, neighborhood_size)
maxima = (hough_space == data_max)

data_min = filters.minimum_filter(hough_space, neighborhood_size)
diff = ((data_max - data_min) > threshold)
maxima[diff == 0] = 0

labeled, num_objects = ndimage.label(maxima)
slices = ndimage.find_objects(labeled)

x, y = [], []
for dy,dx in slices:
    x_center = (dx.start + dx.stop - 1)/2
    y_center = (dy.start + dy.stop - 1)/2    

print x
print y

plt.imshow(hough_space, origin='lower')
plt.savefig('hough_space_i_j.png', bbox_inches = 'tight')

plt.plot(x,y, 'ro')
plt.savefig('hough_space_maximas.png', bbox_inches = 'tight')


# Step 4: Plot lines

line_index = 1

for i,j in zip(y, x):

    r = round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1)
    theta = round( (1.0 * j * theta_max) / theta_dim,1)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()



    px = []
    py = []
    for i in range(-y_max-40,y_max+40,1):
        px.append( math.cos(-theta) * i - math.sin(-theta) * r ) 
        py.append( math.sin(-theta) * i + math.cos(-theta) * r )

    ax.plot(px,py, linewidth=10)

    plt.savefig("image_line_"+ "%02d" % line_index +".png",bbox_inches='tight')


    line_index = line_index + 1

# Plot lines
i = 11
j = 264

i = y[1]
j = x[1]

print i,j

r = round( (1.0 * i * r_max ) / r_dim,1)
theta = round( (1.0 * j * theta_max) / theta_dim,1)

print 'r', r
print 'theta', theta

fig, ax = plt.subplots()



px = []
py = []
for i in range(-y_max-40,y_max+40,1):
    px.append( math.cos(-theta) * i - math.sin(-theta) * r ) 
    py.append( math.sin(-theta) * i + math.cos(-theta) * r )

print px
print py

ax.plot(px,py, linewidth=10)




