Examples of how to save a dictionary in a json (JavaScript Object Notation) file with python
See also: pickle — Python object serialization and marshal — Internal Python object serialization
Save a python dictionary in a json file
To save a dictionary in python to a json file, a solution is to use the json function dump(), example:
import json
dict = {"member #002":{"first name": "John", "last name": "Doe", "age": 34},
"member #003":{"first name": "Elijah", "last name": "Baley", "age": 27},
"member #001":{"first name": "Jane", "last name": "Doe", "age": 42}}
with open('data.json', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(dict, fp)
the above script will then create the following json file called here 'data.json':
{"member #002": {"first name": "John", "last name": "Doe", "age": 34}, "member #003": {"first name": "Elijah", "last name": "Baley", "age": 27}, "member #001": {"first name": "Jane", "last name": "Doe", "age": 42}}
Prettify the json file
To prettify the json file and to .make it more readable, a solution is to use the option indent in the function dump(), example:
import json
dict = {"member #002":{"first name": "John", "last name": "Doe", "age": 34},
"member #003":{"first name": "Elijah", "last name": "Baley", "age": 27},
"member #001":{"first name": "Jane", "last name": "Doe", "age": 42}}
with open('data.json', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(dict, fp, indent=4)
"member #002": {
"first name": "John",
"last name": "Doe",
"age": 34
"member #003": {
"first name": "Elijah",
"last name": "Baley",
"age": 27
"member #001": {
"first name": "Jane",
"last name": "Doe",
"age": 42
Sort the json file
With the option sort_keys=True it is also possible to sort the json file:
import json
dict = {"member #002":{"first name": "John", "last name": "Doe", "age": 34},
"member #003":{"first name": "Elijah", "last name": "Baley", "age": 27},
"member #001":{"first name": "Jane", "last name": "Doe", "age": 42}}
with open('data.json', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(dict, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
"member #001": {
"age": 42,
"first name": "Jane",
"last name": "Doe"
"member #002": {
"age": 34,
"first name": "John",
"last name": "Doe"
"member #003": {
"age": 27,
"first name": "Elijah",
"last name": "Baley"
Links | Site |
json.dump | docs.python.org |
Storing Python dictionaries | stackoverflow |
Reading and Writing JSON to a File in Python | stackabuse |
Python dump dict to json file | stackoverflow |
JSON encoder and decoder | docs.python.org |
pickle — Python object serialization | docs.python.org |
marshal — Internal Python object serialization | docs.python.org |