Examples of how to rename a dataframe index in pandas:
Table of contents
Create a dataframe
Let's first create a simple dataframe with pandas
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = np.random.randint(10, size=(3,3))
columns = ['Score A','Score B','Score C']
index = ['John','Bob','Emma']
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data,index=index,columns=columns)
returns for example
Score A Score B Score C
John 0 1 9
Bob 3 8 8
Emma 1 1 4
Note: to get the index names just enter:
returns here
Index(['John', 'Bob', 'Emma'], dtype='object')
Rename one index name
To rename the name of one index, a solution is to use pandas.DataFrame.rename:
df.rename(index={'Bob': 'Robert'}, inplace=True)
Score A Score B Score C
Johnny 0 1 9
Robert 3 8 8
Emma 1 1 4
Rename multiple index names
Another example replace multiple names:
new_index = {'John':'Johnny',
df.rename(index=new_index, inplace=True)
Score A Score B Score C
Johnny 0 1 9
Robert 3 8 8
Emma 1 1 4
Note: another solution:
df.index = ['Johnny', 'Robert', 'Emma']
aslo returns
Score A Score B Score C
Johnny 0 1 9
Robert 3 8 8
Emma 1 1 4