Examples of how to remove one or multiple rows in a pandas DataFrame in python
Remove one row
Lets create a simple dataframe with pandas
>>> data = np.random.randint(100, size=(10,10))
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
>>> df
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 13 44 3 55 13 98 44 87 20 52
1 72 72 96 18 68 84 81 41 8 75
2 53 71 97 27 21 44 61 9 59 87
3 40 94 49 7 56 93 17 62 71 14
4 4 20 56 45 89 78 9 27 58 77
5 71 90 73 79 31 49 14 73 58 1
6 28 77 73 66 90 71 26 51 18 87
7 96 15 18 23 74 82 54 62 24 1
8 32 34 50 57 90 68 20 56 26 78
9 93 0 90 16 24 88 16 90 82 45
To remove for example the row 7 a solution is to use drop():
>>> df.drop(7,0,inplace=True)
>>> df
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 13 44 3 55 13 98 44 87 20 52
1 72 72 96 18 68 84 81 41 8 75
2 53 71 97 27 21 44 61 9 59 87
3 40 94 49 7 56 93 17 62 71 14
4 4 20 56 45 89 78 9 27 58 77
5 71 90 73 79 31 49 14 73 58 1
6 28 77 73 66 90 71 26 51 18 87
8 32 34 50 57 90 68 20 56 26 78
9 93 0 90 16 24 88 16 90 82 45
Remove a list of rows
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
>>> df.drop([1,5,7,9],0,inplace=True)
>>> df
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 13 44 3 55 13 98 44 87 20 52
2 53 71 97 27 21 44 61 9 59 87
3 40 94 49 7 56 93 17 62 71 14
4 4 20 56 45 89 78 9 27 58 77
6 28 77 73 66 90 71 26 51 18 87
8 32 34 50 57 90 68 20 56 26 78
Remove multiple consecutive rows
>>> data = np.random.randint(100, size=(10,10))
>>> df.drop(df.index[3:7],0,inplace=True)
>>> df
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 13 44 3 55 13 98 44 87 20 52
1 72 72 96 18 68 84 81 41 8 75
2 53 71 97 27 21 44 61 9 59 87
7 96 15 18 23 74 82 54 62 24 1
8 32 34 50 57 90 68 20 56 26 78
9 93 0 90 16 24 88 16 90 82 45
Remove rows with missing data
Lets create a dataset with missing data
>>> data = np.random.randn(10,7)
>>> data.ravel()[np.random.choice(data.size, 5, replace=False)] = np.nan
>>> data
array([[-0.21556193, 0.50798317, -1.40910182, -2.13125538, 1.1835753 ,
0.45158695, 0.73910367],
[-0.87888441, 1.05993664, -0.77287598, -0.69139053, -0.29032073,
-0.64202622, -0.28829388],
[-1.60249368, -1.50622796, 1.46894158, nan, -2.7252065 ,
1.36411611, -0.57278577],
[ 0.79703402, -1.5212633 , 0.62016751, nan, 1.09850942,
-0.2358472 , -0.00723673],
[ 0.8763736 , -1.07815499, 1.07747808, -0.20271076, -0.16235893,
nan, -1.52423974],
[ 0.27451099, -1.26743679, -0.05715345, -1.10172544, 0.02002978,
-0.82632633, 0.54550534],
[ 1.39432992, 0.9903974 , -1.56818002, 1.29163684, -0.393829 ,
1.73997774, 0.86798373],
[-0.07952965, -0.09397074, nan, 1.53816504, -1.05609124,
1.08434771, -0.2870059 ],
[-0.41546041, 0.11339261, 0.14015969, -1.46552628, 0.7903862 ,
nan, 0.08339854],
[-1.01347812, -1.41749653, -1.0594971 , -0.84758429, -1.11227765,
0.46318414, 0.94640032]])
Create a dataframe
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
Get a list of row with missing data
>>> index_with_nan = df.index[df.isnull().any(axis=1)]
>>> index_with_nan
Int64Index([2, 3, 4, 7, 8], dtype='int64')
Remove the rows with missing data
>>> df.drop(index_with_nan,0, inplace=True)
>>> df
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 -0.215562 0.507983 -1.409102 -2.131255 1.183575 0.451587 0.739104
1 -0.878884 1.059937 -0.772876 -0.691391 -0.290321 -0.642026 -0.288294
5 0.274511 -1.267437 -0.057153 -1.101725 0.020030 -0.826326 0.545505
6 1.394330 0.990397 -1.568180 1.291637 -0.393829 1.739978 0.867984
9 -1.013478 -1.417497 -1.059497 -0.847584 -1.112278 0.463184 0.946400
Links | Site |
drop() | pandas doc |
Python Pandas : How to drop rows in DataFrame by index labels | thispointer.com |
How to count nan values in a pandas DataFrame?) | stackoverflow |
isnull | pandas doc |
any | pandas doc |
Create sample numpy array with randomly placed NaNs | stackoverflow |