Following previous article on How to read a MODIS HDF file using python let's see how to do the same thing in fortran:
Note: HDF libraries have to be installed in your system first (go to the link: obtaining the hdf software )
For example, let's consider the following MODIS HDF file : "MYD06_L2.A2008001.2040.006.2013341205855.hdf".
How to print all SDS names ?
Example of fortran source code (called here how_to_read_modis_hdf4.f90) to get all Scientific Datasets (SDS) names stored in the HDF file (see HDF user guide for more details):
program how_to_read_modis_hdf4
implicit none
integer i
character*300 file_name
parameter ( DFACC_READ = 1, DFNT_INT32 = 24 )
integer sfstart, sfselect, sfrdata, sfendacc, sfend
integer sffinfo , sfginfo
integer sd_id, sds_id, sds_index
integer status, n_attrs
integer n_datasets, n_file_attrs , index
integer rank, data_type
parameter ( MAX_NC_NAME = 256 , MAX_VAR_DIMS = 32 )
character*( MAX_NC_NAME ) name
integer dim_sizes( MAX_VAR_DIMS )
call getarg(1,file_name)
write(6,*) 'file_name : ' , file_name
! Print all SDS names
sd_id = sfstart(file_name, DFACC_READ)
status = sffinfo( sd_id , n_datasets , n_file_attrs )
write(6,*) '! Number of data sets in the file and Number of file attributes :'
write(6,*) 'sffinfo :', status , n_datasets , n_file_attrs
do index = 0, n_datasets - 1
sds_id = sfselect(sd_id, index)
status = sfginfo(sds_id, name, rank, dim_sizes, data_type,n_attrs)
write(6,*) "name : ", name(1:100), "rank : ", rank, &
& "index : ", index, "dimension sizes are : ", (dim_sizes(i), i=1, rank), &
& "data type is : ", data_type, "number of attributes is : ", n_attrs
end do
! Close hdf file
status = sfendacc(sds_id)
status = sfend(sd_id)
end program how_to_read_modis_hdf4
Explanations: sfstart function open the HDF file; sffinfo function gives the number of SDS (n_datasets) and attributes (n_file_attrs) associated with the HDF file; sfselect function select a SDS using its index; sfginfo function returns information about the selected SDS and finally sfend close the file. To compile the code:
gfortran how_to_read_modis_hdf4.f90 -I/path_to_hdf/include/ -L/path_to_hdf/lib/ -lmfhdf -ldf -ljpeg -lz -o how_to_read_modis_hdf4
(replace "path_to_hdf" by the full path where HDF libraries are installed on your system) and to execute the code
how_to_read_modis_hdf4 MYD06_L2.A2008001.2040.006.2013341205855.hdf
The above code returns:
! Number of data sets in the file and Number of file attributes :
sffinfo : 0 127 14
name : Latitude rank : 2 index : 0 dimension sizes are : 270 408 data type is : 5 number of attributes is : 10
name : Longitude rank : 2 index : 1 dimension sizes are : 270 408 data type is : 5 number of attributes is : 10
name : Scan_Start_Time rank : 2 index : 2 dimension sizes are : 270 408 data type is : 6 number of attributes is : 10
name : Solar_Zenith rank : 2 index : 3 dimension sizes are : 270 408 data type is : 22 number of attributes is : 10
name : Solar_Zenith_Day rank : 2 index : 4 dimension sizes are : 270 408 data type is : 22 number of attributes is : 10
name : Solar_Zenith_Night
sffinfo function returns 127 (meaning that MODIS C6 cloud optical products HDF files MYD/MOD06 contain 127 Scientific Datasets (SDS)
How to get the data ?
Suppose we know the name of the SDS we are interested in (for exemple "cloud_top_temperature_1km"). To find the index of the SDS "cloud_top_temperature_1km":
index = sfn2index(sd_id, 'cloud_top_temperature_1km')
To select the SDS
sds_id = sfselect(sd_id, index)
To get info about the selected SDS:
status = sfginfo( sds_id , name , rank , dim_sizes , data_type , n_attrs )
write(6,*) "index : ", index, "dimension sizes are : ", (dim_sizes(i), i=1, rank), &
& "data type is : ", data_type, "number of attributes is : ", n_attrs
we got:
index : 60 dimension sizes are : 1354 2040 data type is : 22 number of attributes is : 10
meaning than cloud_top_temperature_1km SDS is a (1354,2040) array, data type is 22 corresponding to a 16-bit integer type in fortran (to see how to translate data type HDF Data Types and Fortran 90 kind parameter ) and has 10 attributes (which contain additional information about the SDS such as the valid range, the unit, etc).
Now to read the SDS, using sfrdata function:
integer*2, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cloud_top_temperature_1km
IF (AllocateStatus /= 0) STOP "*** Not enough memory ***"
status = sfrdata( sds_id, start, stride, edges, cloud_top_temperature_1km )
Print cloud_top_temperature_1km values:
do i = 1, 1354
do j = 1, 2040
write(6,*) cloud_top_temperature_1km(i,j)
end do
end do
Note: Don't forget to deallocate the array if you don't want to go out of memory pretty quickly:
deallocate(cloud_top_temperature_1km, STAT = DeAllocateStatus)
if(DeAllocateStatus/=0) STOP
How to get the SDS attributes ?
cloud_top_temperature_1km SDS has 10 attributes, to get information about each attribute, there is the sfgainfo function:
do attr_index = 0, n_attrs - 1
status = sfgainfo(sds_id, attr_index, attr_name, data_type, n_values)
write(6,*) attr_name, data_type, n_values
end do
valid_range 22 2
_FillValue 22 1
long_name 4 123
units 4 1
scale_factor 6 1
add_offset 6 1
Parameter_Type 4 6
Cell_Along_Swath_Sam 24 3
Cell_Across_Swath_Sa 24 3
Geolocation_Pointer 4 34
Let's say we want the 'scale_factor' and 'add_offset', the data type is 6 for both corresponding to a 64-bit floating-point type in fortran (see hdf data types and Fortran 90 kind parameter ):
real(KIND=8) scale_factor
real(KIND=8) add_offset
to select the attribute use the sffattr function and sfrattr to get selected attribute value. Example for 'scale_factor' attribute:
attr_index = sffattr(sds_id, 'scale_factor')
write(6,*) attr_index
status = sfrattr(sds_id, attr_index, scale_factor)
write(6,*) scale_factor
same for 'add_offset':
attr_index = sffattr(sds_id, 'add_offset')
write(6,*) attr_index
status = sfrattr(sds_id, attr_index, add_offset)
write(6,*) add_offset
Print cloud top temperature at 1km:
do i = 1, 1354
do j = 1, 2040
write(6,*) ( cloud_top_temperature_1km(i,j) - add_offset) * scale_factor
end do
end do
How to extract info from a byte ?
To extract info from a byte there is the fortran function ibits. Example: how to read Cloud_Mask_1km SDS stored in MOD/MYD06 cloud optical products (see MODIS C6 cloud optical products user guide page 115). The Cloud Mask 1km SDS has two bytes (1byte = 8 bits, so 16 bits for Cloud Mask 1km). Lets consider we want to get the "Cloud Mask Status Flag" and "Cloud Mask Cloudiness Flag". Both are stored in the first byte (see page 115 of MODIS C6 cloud optical products user guide ):
where i,j are the pixel indexes of along track and cross track respectively. To extract "Cloud Mask Status Flag" and "Cloud Mask Cloudiness Flag" using ibits function:
cloud_mask_status_flag = ibits(Cloud_Mask_1km(1,i,j),0,1)
cloud_mask_cloudiness_flag = ibits(Cloud_Mask_1km(1,i,j),1,2)
ibits function needs the position of the first bit and the number of bits used to code the information (0-based indexing):
Byte 1 ( Cloud_Mask_1km(1,i,j) )
Flag Name | First bit index | Number of Bits |
Cloud Mask Status Flag | 0 | 1 |
Cloud Mask Cloudiness Flag | 1 | 2 |
Day/Night Flag | 3 | 1 |
Sunglint Flag | 4 | 1 |
Snow/Ice Flag | 5 | 1 |
Surface Type Flag | 6 | 2 |
Byte 2 ( Cloud_Mask_1km(2,i,j) )
Flag Name | First bit index | Number of Bits |
Heavy Aerosol Flag | 0 | 1 |
Thin Cirrus Flag | 1 | 1 |
Shadow Flag | 2 | 1 |
In summary: Cloud Mask Cloudiness Flag is stored in the first byte of Cloud_Mask_1km SDS (Cloud_Mask_1km(1,i,j)), first bit index = 1 and number of bits = 2: ibits(Cloud_Mask_1km(1,i,j),1,2).
See full code below.
Example of source code :
program how_to_read_modis_hdf4
implicit none
integer i
character*300 file_name
parameter ( DFACC_READ = 1, DFNT_INT32 = 24 )
integer sfstart, sfselect, sfrdata, sfendacc, sfend
integer sffinfo , sfginfo
integer sd_id, sds_id, sds_index
integer status, n_attrs
integer n_datasets, n_file_attrs , index
integer rank, data_type
parameter ( MAX_NC_NAME = 256 , MAX_VAR_DIMS = 32 )
character*( MAX_NC_NAME ) name
integer dim_sizes( MAX_VAR_DIMS )
character * 100 :: sds_name
integer start(3), edges(3), stride(3)
integer sfn2index
integer :: AllocateStatus, DeAllocateStatus
! data type 22 => integer 16 bits
integer*2, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cloud_top_temperature_1km
integer sffattr, sfrattr, sfgainfo
integer attr_index, n_values
character*20 attr_name
real(KIND=8) scale_factor
real(KIND=8) add_offset
! data type 20 => integer 8 bits
integer*1, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: Cloud_Mask_1km
integer cloud_mask_status_flag, cloud_mask
call getarg(1,file_name)
write(6,*) 'file_name : ' , file_name
! Get all SDS names
sd_id = sfstart(file_name, DFACC_READ)
status = sffinfo( sd_id , n_datasets , n_file_attrs )
write(6,*) '! Number of data sets in the file and Number of file attributes :'
write(6,*) 'sffinfo :', status , n_datasets , n_file_attrs
do index = 0, n_datasets - 1
sds_id = sfselect(sd_id, index)
status = sfginfo(sds_id, name, rank, dim_sizes, data_type,n_attrs)
write(6,*) "name : ", name(1:100), "rank : ", rank, &
& "index : ", index, "dimension sizes are : ", (dim_sizes(i), i=1, rank), &
& "data type is : ", data_type, "number of attributes is : ", n_attrs
end do
! Example of how to extract the data
index = sfn2index(sd_id, 'cloud_top_temperature_1km')
write(6,*) 'index', index
sds_id = sfselect(sd_id, index)
status = sfginfo( sds_id , name , rank , dim_sizes , data_type , n_attrs )
sds_name = name(1:len(name))
write(6,*) "index : ", index, "dimension sizes are : ", (dim_sizes(i), i=1, rank), &
& "data type is : ", data_type, "number of attributes is : ", n_attrs
do i = 1 , rank
start(i) = 0
edges(i) = dim_sizes(i)
stride(i) = 1
end do
IF (AllocateStatus /= 0) STOP "*** Not enough memory ***"
status = sfrdata( sds_id, start, stride, edges, cloud_top_temperature_1km )
do i = 1, 100
write(6,*) cloud_top_temperature_1km(i,100)
end do
! Example of how to get SDS attributes
do attr_index = 0, n_attrs - 1
status = sfgainfo(sds_id, attr_index, attr_name, data_type, n_values)
write(6,*) attr_name, data_type, n_values
end do
attr_index = sffattr(sds_id, 'scale_factor')
write(6,*) attr_index
status = sfrattr(sds_id, attr_index, scale_factor)
write(6,*) scale_factor
attr_index = sffattr(sds_id, 'add_offset')
write(6,*) attr_index
status = sfrattr(sds_id, attr_index, add_offset)
write(6,*) add_offset
do i = 1, 10
write(6,*) ( cloud_top_temperature_1km(i,100) - add_offset) * scale_factor
end do
! Example of how to extract information from a Byte
index = sfn2index(sd_id, 'Cloud_Mask_1km')
write(6,*) 'Cloud_Mask_1km index', index
sds_id = sfselect(sd_id, index)
status = sfginfo( sds_id , name , rank , dim_sizes , data_type , n_attrs )
sds_name = name(1:len(name))
do i = 1 , rank
start(i) = 0
edges(i) = dim_sizes(i)
stride(i) = 1
end do
IF (AllocateStatus /= 0) STOP "*** Not enough memory Cloud_Mask_1km***"
status = sfrdata( sds_id, start, stride, edges, Cloud_Mask_1km )
write(6,*) 'READ MODIS Cloud Mask Example : '
do i = 1, 100
cloud_mask_status_flag = ibits(Cloud_Mask_1km(1,i,1),0,1)
cloud_mask = ibits(Cloud_Mask_1km(1,i,1),1,2)
write(6,*) cloud_mask_status_flag, cloud_mask
end do
! deallocate
deallocate(cloud_top_temperature_1km, STAT = DeAllocateStatus)
if(DeAllocateStatus/=0) STOP
deallocate(Cloud_Mask_1km, STAT = DeAllocateStatus)
if(DeAllocateStatus/=0) STOP
! Close hdf file
status = sfendacc(sds_id)
status = sfend(sd_id)
end program how_to_read_modis_hdf4
Link | WebSite |
MODIS C6 cloud optical products user guide | NASA |
HDF user guide | HDF group |
HDF Data Types | HDF group |
Fortran 90 kind parameter | stackoverflow |
Example code | HDF Group |
IBITS — Bit extraction | gcc |
Language Reference | |