Simple example about how to read a CloudSat 2B GEOPROF GRANULE HDF4 file using python 3 and the pyhdf library (Note: to install python and pyhdf see the following article).
For example, let's consider the following CloudSat HDF file :
Import python libraries
First import all python libraries needed to read the file
from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
from pyhdf.HDF import *
from pyhdf.VS import *
import pprint
file_path = './inputs/cloudsat/'
file_name = '2008025010959_09272_CS_2B-GEOPROF_GRANULE_P_R04_E02.hdf'
Read vdata
Retrieve information about all data stored using HDF vdata model:
f = HDF(file_path+file_name, SDC.READ)
vs = f.vstart()
data_info_list = vs.vdatainfo()
pprint.pprint( data_info_list )
vs.end() # terminate the vdata interface
[('Profile_time', '', 7, 37082, 1, 5, 4, 1962, 0),
('UTC_start', '', 8, 1, 1, 5, 4, 1962, 0),
('TAI_start', '', 9, 1, 1, 5, 8, 1962, 0),
('Latitude', '', 10, 37082, 1, 5, 4, 1962, 0),
('Longitude', '', 11, 37082, 1, 5, 4, 1962, 0),
('Range_to_intercept', '', 13, 37082, 1, 5, 4, 1962, 0),
('DEM_elevation', '', 14, 37082, 1, 7, 2, 1962, 0),
('Vertical_binsize', '', 15, 1, 1, 5, 4, 1962, 0),
('Pitch_offset', '', 16, 1, 1, 5, 4, 1962, 0),
('Roll_offset', '', 17, 1, 1, 5, 4, 1962, 0),
('Data_quality', '', 18, 37082, 1, 5, 1, 1962, 0),
('Data_status', '', 19, 37082, 1, 5, 1, 1962, 0),
('Data_targetID', '', 20, 37082, 1, 5, 1, 1962, 0),
('SurfaceHeightBin', '', 21, 37082, 1, 6, 1, 1962, 0),
('SurfaceHeightBin_fraction', '', 22, 37082, 1, 5, 4, 1962, 0),
('Sigma-Zero', '', 26, 37082, 1, 7, 2, 1962, 0),
('MODIS_cloud_flag', '', 27, 37082, 1, 7, 1, 1962, 0),
('MODIS_Cloud_Fraction', '', 28, 37082, 1, 6, 1, 1962, 0),
('MODIS_scene_char', '', 29, 37082, 1, 6, 1, 1962, 0),
('MODIS_scene_var', '', 30, 37082, 1, 6, 1, 1962, 0),
('CPR_Echo_Top', '', 31, 37082, 1, 6, 1, 1962, 0),
('sem_NoiseFloor', '', 32, 37082, 1, 5, 4, 1962, 0),
('sem_NoiseFloorVar', '', 33, 37082, 1, 5, 4, 1962, 0),
('sem_NoiseGate', '', 34, 37082, 1, 5, 1, 1962, 0),
('Navigation_land_sea_flag', '', 35, 37082, 1, 5, 1, 1962, 0),
('Clutter_reduction_flag', '', 36, 37082, 1, 3, 1, 1962, 0),
('nray:2B-GEOPROF', 'DimVal0.1', 393, 1, 1, 0, 4, 1962, 0),
('nbin:2B-GEOPROF', 'DimVal0.1', 395, 1, 1, 0, 4, 1962, 0)]
Read latitudes and longitudes
Now how to read an exemple of how to read the latitude and longitude:
f = HDF(file_path+file_name, SDC.READ)
vs = f.vstart()
vdata_lat = vs.attach('Latitude')
vdata_long = vs.attach('Longitude')
lat = vdata_lat[:]
long = vdata_long[:]
print('Nb pixels: ', len(lat))
print('Lat min, Lat max: ',min(lat),max(lat))
for i in range(15): # sample
vdata_lat.detach() # "close" the vdata
vdata_long.detach() # "close" the vdata
vs.end() # terminate the vdata interface
Nb pixels: 37082
Lat min, Lat max: [-81.82308197021484] [81.82254791259766]
Note: to get vdata latitude info, just add the following line:
print( vdata_lat.attrinfo() )
{'factor': (5, 1, 1.0, 4),
'long_name': (4, 19, 'Spacecraft Latitude', 19),
'offset': (5, 1, 0.0, 4),
'units': (4, 7, 'degrees', 7),
'valid_range': (5, 2, [-90.0, 90.0], 8)}
Read SDS data
file = SD(file_path+file_name, SDC.READ)
pprint.pprint( ) # number of sds and metadata
(4, 12)
meaning that the hdf file contains 4 sds. Get and print all sds names:
datasets_dic = file.datasets()
sds_dic = {}
for key, value in datasets_dic.items():
sds_dic[value[3]] = key
pprint.pprint( sds_dic )
{0: 'Height',
1: 'CPR_Cloud_mask',
2: 'Gaseous_Attenuation',
3: 'Radar_Reflectivity'}
Read CPR Cloud Mask
Exemple how to get CPR_Cloud_mask data and attributes:
sds_obj ='CPR_Cloud_mask') # select sds
data = sds_obj.get()
sds_info =
print( sds_info )
pprint.pprint( sds_obj.attributes() )
print( data.shape )
('CPR_Cloud_mask', 2, [37082, 125], 20, 7)
{'_FillValue': -99,
'factor': 1.0,
'long_name': 'CPR Cloud Mask',
'missing': -9,
'missop': '==',
'offset': 0.0,
'valid_range': [0, 40]}
(37082, 125)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
from pyhdf.HDF import *
from pyhdf.VS import *
import pprint
file_path = './inputs/cloudsat/'
file_name = '2008025010959_09272_CS_2B-GEOPROF_GRANULE_P_R04_E02.hdf'
# Get vdata info
f = HDF(file_path+file_name, SDC.READ)
vs = f.vstart()
data_info_list = vs.vdatainfo()
pprint.pprint( data_info_list )
vs.end() # terminate the vdata interface
# Get latitude & longitude vdata
f = HDF(file_path+file_name, SDC.READ)
vs = f.vstart()
vdata_lat = vs.attach('Latitude')
vdata_long = vs.attach('Longitude')
lat = vdata_lat[:]
long = vdata_long[:]
print('Nb pixels: ', len(lat))
print('Lat min, Lat max: ',min(lat),max(lat))
pprint.pprint( vdata_lat.attrinfo() )
for i in range(15): # sample
vdata_lat.detach() # "close" the vdata
vdata_long.detach() # "close" the vdata
vs.end() # terminate the vdata interface
# Get SDS info
file = SD(file_path+file_name, SDC.READ)
pprint.pprint( ) # number of sds and metadata
# get all sds names
datasets_dic = file.datasets()
#for idx,sds in enumerate(datasets_dic.keys()):
# print idx,sds
sds_dic = {}
for key, value in datasets_dic.items():
#print key, value, value[3]
sds_dic[value[3]] = key
pprint.pprint( sds_dic )
# get CPR_Cloud_mask
sds_obj ='CPR_Cloud_mask') # select sds
data = sds_obj.get()
sds_info =
print( sds_info )
pprint.pprint( sds_obj.attributes() )
print( data.shape )
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