How to multiply two complex numbers in python ?

Published: April 15, 2020

Tags: Python; cmath; Protection Status

Example of how to multiply two complex numbers in python

Create two complex numbers in python

Let's import the module python cmath that is used to work with complex numbers

>>> import cmath

Create a first complex number z1:

>>> z1 = 1.0 + 2.0j
>>> z1

of real part

>>> z1.real

and imaginary part

 >>> z1.imag

Let's also create another complex number z2:

>>> z2 = 3.0 + 5.0j
>>> z2 

Multiply the two complex numbers

To multiply z1 by z2, a solution is to use the operator *, example:

>>> z3 = z1 * z2
>>> z3

Use the polar representation

Transform z1 in polar representation:

>>> r1,theta1 = cmath.polar(z1)
>>> r1,theta1
(2.23606797749979, 1.1071487177940904)

Transform z2 in polar representation:

>>> r2,theta2 = cmath.polar(z2)
>>> r2,theta2
(5.830951894845301, 1.0303768265243125)

Then, multiply z1 by z2 using:

>>> r3 = r1 * r2
>>> theta3 = theta1 + theta2
>>> r3,theta3
(13.038404810405298, 2.137525544318403)

Going back to cartesian representation:

>>> cmath.rect(r3,theta3)
