Exemple de comment déterminer le nombre de dimensions d'une matrice en python:
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Get the number of dimensions of a matrix
Let's consider the following matrix:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> A = np.array([[3,9,4],[5,8,1],[9,2,5]])
>>> A
array([[3, 9, 4],
[5, 8, 1],
[9, 2, 5]])
To get the shape of the matrix, a solution is to first use shape:
>>> A.shape
(3, 3)
and then get the number of dimensions of the matrix using len:
>>> len(A.shape)
Let's consider a matrix of dimension 1 or 2
Transpose the matrix if the dimension of the matrix = 2 and the number of columns > number of lines:
>>> def data_preparation(input_x):
... input_x_shape = input_x.shape
... if len(input_x_shape) == 2:
... if input_x_shape[1] > input_x_shape[0]:
... input_x = input_x.T
... return input_x
>>> input_x = np.arange(9)
>>> input_x
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
>>> data_preparation(input_x)
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
>>> input_x = np.arange(20)
>>> input_x = input_x.reshape(2,10)
>>> data_preparation(input_x)
array([[ 0, 10],
[ 1, 11],
[ 2, 12],
[ 3, 13],
[ 4, 14],
[ 5, 15],
[ 6, 16],
[ 7, 17],
[ 8, 18],
[ 9, 19]])
Links | Site |
shape | scipy doc |
size | scipy doc |
what does numpy ndarray shape do? | stackoverflow |
Python len() | programiz.com |