Examples of how to flip an image vertically in python:
Get a vertically flipped image using pillow
To flip an image vertically a solution is to use the function rotate(), example:
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open("eiffel_tower.jpg")
im = im.rotate(180)
Another solution is tu use flip():
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageOps
im = Image.open("eiffel_tower.jpg")
im = ImageOps.flip(im)
Get a vertically flipped image using numpy
To flip an image vertically with numpy there is flipud, illustration:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
img = mpimg.imread('eiffel_tower.jpg')
img2 = np.flipud(img)
plt.savefig("eiffel_tower_fliped_vertically.png", dpi=200)
Note: to save an image with frameless see How to create a figure with no axes ( frameless ) or labels using matplotlib ?
Links | Site |
numpy.flipud | numpy doc |
Comment sauver une image seule sans les contours ou les labels avec matplotlib ? | science-emergence article |
Image Module | illow.readthedocs.io |
ImageOps Module | pillow.readthedocs.io |
Flopped image | wikipedia |
Flipped image | wikipedia |
Flip An Image | docs.gimp.org |
PIL - Images not rotating | stackoverflow |
Image rotation in Pillow | stackoverflow |
pixabay | pixabay |