Example of quickly fix with a django based web site the google Adsense warning message: "Earnings at risk - One or more of your sites does not have an ads.txt file". Just add the following url:
url(r'^ads\.txt$', views.authorized_digital_sellers_view, name='authorized_digital_sellers'),
and add the view:
def authorized_digital_sellers_view(request):
return HttpResponse('google.com, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0')
replace pub-0000000000000000 by your publisher id that can be found on the google adsense account in the menu: Account -> Account Information.
Note: It take about 24 hours to be taken into account.
Links | Site |
Earnings at risk - One or more of your sites does not have an ads.txt file. How To Fix ? | support.google.com |
How to Solve Earnings at risk – One or more of your ads.txt | techtrickszone.com |
Why am I getting an "AdSense alert: Earnings at risk" warning about ads.txt? | dthrive.zendesk.com |