Example of how to extract first letter of each word in a sentence with python using a regular expression:
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Using a python regular expression
Let's consider the following sentence:
import re
s = 'Hello, how are you today'
to extract first letter of each word:
re.findall(r'\b([a-zA-Z]|\d+)', s)
['H', 'h', 'a', 'y', 't']
Note that
l = re.findall(r'\b([a-zA-Z]|\d+)', s)
print(type(l) )
returns a list
<class 'list'>
To convert letters to lower case"
l = [e.lower() for e in l]
print( l )
gives then
['h', 'h', 'a', 'y', 't']
To join all letters"
Another example with a number in the sentence:
s = 'Hello, how are you today, 1234'
l = re.findall(r'\b([a-zA-Z]|\d+)', s)
to select only letters a solution is to use isalpha():
l = [e.lower() for e in l if e.isalpha()]
print( l )
['h', 'h', 'a', 'y', 't']
Without using a regular expression
Another solution using only a list comprehension:
s = 'Hello, how are you today, 1234'
l = [e[0].lower() for e in s.split()]
print( [e[0].lower() for e in l if e.isalpha()] )
['h', 'h', 'a', 'y', 't']
see also regex101