How to embed a google map in a HTML page ?

Published: August 31, 2022

Updated: December 09, 2022

Tags: Google; Maps; HTML; Protection Status

Example of how to embed a google map in a HTML page

Create an html file

First step, let's create a simple html file:

<!doctype html>
<title>Embedding a google map</title>


Now add between bodytags :

    frameborder="0" style="border:0"

How to embed a google map in a HTML page ?
How to embed a google map in a HTML page ?

Replace my_api_key by your api key (see Create a google map API key below)

To get more info about parameters available see this tutorial

Note: also check the google map: pricing. For embedded map API it is unlimited.

Create a google map API key

To embed a google map it is necessary to create an API key:

Note: do not forget to edit application restrictions.

Enable google map API

If the html page display the following error message:

Google Maps Platform rejected your request. This API project is not authorized to use this API.

It is probably because you din't enable the google "Maps Embed API":

Search Maps Embed API click on it and click on the button Enable.

How to embed a google map in a HTML page ?
How to embed a google map in a HTML page ?

