How to download a file from NASA LAADS DAAC using python ?

Published: August 03, 2020

Tags: Python; Protection Status

Example of how to download a file from NASA LAADS DAAC using python

Create an account and get a token

Create an account and go to App key (see image below):

How to download a file from NASA LAADS DAAC using python ?
How to download a file from NASA LAADS DAAC using python ?

Then create a key name:

How to download a file from NASA LAADS DAAC using python ?
How to download a file from NASA LAADS DAAC using python ?

and copy your key number

How to download a file from NASA LAADS DAAC using python ?
How to download a file from NASA LAADS DAAC using python ?

Download a file using python

Example of python script tp download the file ''. Replace ***** by your token key number

from datetime import date

import urllib.request
import urllib.request, json

import pprint

year = 2015
month = 7
day = 8

d0 = date(year, 1, 1)
d1 = date(year, month, day)
delta = d1 - d0

cod = delta.days + 1

opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('Authorization', 'Bearer *********')]

file_name = ''

ladsweb_url = '{:04d}/{:03d}/{}'.format(year,cod,file_name)
target_dir = file_name

