How to create and plot a simple histogram with matplotlib and python ?

Published: March 22, 2019 Protection Status

Example of how to create and plot a simple histogram with matplotlib and python from a dataset:

Plot a simple histogram using matplotlib

A simple histogram can be created with matplotlib using the function hist(), example:

Note: see for example Histograms vs. Bar Charts to understand the differences between the 2 plots.

How to create and plot a simple histogram with matplotlib and python ?
How to create and plot a simple histogram with matplotlib and python ?

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = [1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,5]


plt.title('How to plot a simple histogram in matplotlib ?', fontsize=10)


Histogram normalisation

To normalize the histogram, just add the option "normed", example histogram normalisation to 1

How to create and plot a simple histogram with matplotlib and python ?
How to create and plot a simple histogram with matplotlib and python ?

plt.hist(data, normed=1)

plt.title('How to plot a simple histogram in matplotlib ?', fontsize=10)


Define the number of classes

By default the number of classes are determined by matplotlib, to define the number of classes just use the option "bins", example with bin = 2:

How to create and plot a simple histogram with matplotlib and python ?
How to create and plot a simple histogram with matplotlib and python ?

plt.hist(data, bins = 2)

plt.title('How to plot a simple histogram in matplotlib ?', fontsize=10)


Define the number of classes and intervals

It is also possible to define the number of classes and intervals by providing a list to the option bins instead of just a number. For example with bin = [0,2,4,6] (with have 3 classes of interval [0,2[; [2,4[ et [4,6[)

How to create and plot a simple histogram with matplotlib and python ?
How to create and plot a simple histogram with matplotlib and python ?

plt.hist(data, bins = [0,2,4,6])

plt.title('How to plot a simple histogram in matplotlib ?', fontsize=10)


It is interesting to compare with another histogram, example with another dataset:

How to create and plot a simple histogram with matplotlib and python ?
How to create and plot a simple histogram with matplotlib and python ?

data = [1,1,2,3,3,4,4,5,5]

plt.hist(data, bins = [0,2,4,6])

plt.title('How to plot a simple histogram in matplotlib ?', fontsize=10)


Retrievals histogram parameters

In addition the function plt.hist() can return all the parameters of the histogram, example:

n, bins, patches = plt.hist(data, bins=[0,2,4,6])



[ 2.  3.  4.]
[0 2 4 6]
<a list of 3 Patch objects>

where n is the class frequencies, bins the intervals and patches the histogram formatting parameters (matplotlib.patches.Patch) for more information.


Links Site
hist() matplotlib doc
bar matplotlib doc
histogramme wikipedia
diagramme en bâtons wikipedia
pylab_examples example code: matplotlib doc
pylab_examples example code: matplotlib doc
Matplotlib - label each bin stackoverflow
