Examples of how to create an empty matrix with numpy in python:
Create an empty matrix using the numpy function empty()
To create for example an empty matrix of 10 columns and 0 row, a solution is to use the numpy function empty() function:
import numpy as np
A = np.empty((0,10))
and if we check the matrix dimensions using shape:
we get:
Note: by default the matrix type is float64:
Fill an empty matrix with a for loop
It is then possible for example to create an empty matrix and to update it using the function numpy.concatenate
import numpy as np
A = np.empty((0,10))
for i in range(14):
new_row = np.random.randint(100, size=(1, 10))
A = np.concatenate((A,new_row))
[[35. 70. 33. 58. 18. 78. 14. 44. 17. 5.]
[42. 27. 8. 79. 19. 8. 88. 4. 40. 84.]
[51. 96. 2. 66. 46. 10. 78. 98. 12. 85.]
[17. 36. 11. 6. 84. 81. 99. 20. 12. 14.]
[72. 14. 47. 8. 18. 22. 77. 99. 30. 99.]
[44. 11. 1. 70. 26. 20. 74. 61. 95. 60.]
[60. 20. 80. 32. 71. 22. 61. 31. 41. 27.]
[35. 96. 65. 80. 85. 40. 27. 3. 44. 9.]
[11. 83. 22. 95. 43. 96. 95. 26. 58. 35.]
[25. 95. 80. 20. 52. 32. 36. 92. 42. 69.]
[37. 49. 31. 51. 39. 72. 8. 61. 91. 26.]
[74. 66. 24. 17. 4. 75. 67. 61. 62. 70.]
[21. 71. 59. 51. 85. 60. 36. 39. 17. 82.]
[ 7. 25. 27. 57. 99. 3. 5. 32. 64. 97.]]