Example of how to check if a point is below or above a straight line using python ? Let's consider a line of equation y=f(x)=a*x+b, a point P with coordinates (xp,yp) is below the line if:
yp - ( a * xp + b ) < 0
yp - f(xp) < 0
A point P with coordinates (xp,yp) is above the line if
yp - ( a * xp + b ) > 0
yp - f(xp) > 0
A point P is on the line if and only if:
yp - f(xp) = 0
Example of python code to test if above or below a straight line:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> def function( x ):
... return 0.5 * x + 2
>>> x = np.arange(0,10,0.1)
>>> y = function(x)
>>> xp = 6.0
>>> yp = 3.0
>>> print 'Point est au dessus de la ligne ?: ', yp - function(xp) > 0
Point est au dessus de la ligne ?: False
>>> print 'Point est en dessous de la ligne ?: ', yp - function(xp) < 0
Point est en dessous de la ligne ?: True
>>> print 'Point est sur la ligne ?: ', yp - function(xp) == 0
Point est sur la ligne ?: False
Python code to plot figure 1 and 2 using matplotlib:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#----- Straight Line -----#
def function( x ):
return 0.5 * x + 2
x = np.arange(0,10,0.1)
y = function(x)
plt.plot(x, y, 'k-', lw=2)
#----- Point 1 -----#
xp = 6.0
yp = 3.0
print 'Point est au dessus de la ligne ?: ', yp - function(xp) > 0
print 'Point est en dessous de la ligne ?: ', yp - function(xp) < 0
print 'Point est sur la ligne ?: ', yp - function(xp) == 0
plt.plot( (xp,xp), (0,yp), 'b--', lw=1)
plt.plot( (0,xp), (yp,yp), 'b--', lw=1)
plt.plot( (0,xp), (function(xp),function(xp)), 'b--', lw=1)
plt.plot( (xp,xp), (0,function(xp)), 'b--', lw=1)
plt.text( xp+0.2, yp, 'P')
plt.text( xp+0.2, 0.2, 'xp')
plt.text( -0.4, yp, 'yp')
plt.text( -0.6, function(xp), 'f(xp)')
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