Examples of how to assess if an expression is true in python using assert:
Assert in python
Assert is usfeull to debug a code by inserting assertions into a program:
assert condition, 'error message'
It is equivalent to :
if not condition:
raise AssertionError('error message')
Assert that a variable is a string
An example
s = 'Hello'
assert type(s) == str, 'Oups, it is not a string variable !!'
will returns nothing since s is a string here. However:
s = 1234
assert type(s) == str, 'Oups, it is not a string variable !!'
will stop python and returns
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-30-3ccd9596b9bb> in <module>
1 s = 1234
----> 3 assert type(s) == str, 'Oups, it is not a string variable !!'
AssertionError: Oups, it is not a string variable !!
Assert that a variable is equal to an expected value
Another example
cond = 2
assert cond == 2, 'Oups, something wrong here !'
returns nothing.
cond = 3
assert cond == 2, 'Oups, something wrong here !'
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-31-d4ef9eeb6598> in <module>
1 cond = 3
----> 3 assert cond == 2, 'Oups, something wrong here !'
AssertionError: Oups, something wrong here !