Example of how to add a new axis to transform a matrix of shape (n,) to (n,1) with numpy in python:
Table of contents
Create a matrix with numpy
Let's first create a matrix of one dimension:
import numpy as np
A = np.arange(10)
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
Then the shape of matrix A is:
Add a new axis with numpy.newaxis
To add a new axis, a solution is to use numpy.newaxis:
A = A[:,np.newaxis]
Then if we now check the shape of matrix A:
(10, 1)
and print(A) returns
Note: it is also possible to do
A = A[np.newaxis,:]
returns then a shape:
and A
Using reshape
Other solution using reshape
A = A.reshape(10,1)
(10, 1)