Icare "Data and Services Center's initial emphasis is the production and distribution of remote sensing data derived from Earth observation missions from CNES, NASA, and EUMETSAT.
Note: to access icare server through ssh protocol, you need to register first and provide a fixed ip address:
username: xxxxx
password: xxxxx
fixed ip address: xxxxx
How to access icare server through ssh
Command ssh to access icare 64 server:
ssh username@access64.icare.univ-lille1.fr
Command to quit the server
How to send my files on icare server
Send a simple file (ex: "my_file")
scp my_file username@access64.icare.univ-lille1.fr:
Send a repertory (ex: "myfolder"). Option -rp (r mean it is a repertory and p option is for keeping my permissions intact)
scp -rp myfolder username@access64.icare.univ-lille1.fr:
Send a file (ex: "my_file") to a specific directory (on icare server under "/home/username/" directory) (Ex: /mydata/2017/)
scp my_file username@access64.icare.univ-lille1.fr:/home/username/mydata/2017/.
How to download my files from icare server
Same as before, just reverse the order:
Download a simple file (ex: "my_file")
scp username@access64.icare.univ-lille1.fr:my_file .
Download a repertory (ex: "myfolder").
scp -rp username@access64.icare.univ-lille1.fr:myfolder .
Where are the data ?
Data are located under the following repertory:
How to compile a fortran code on icare server
To compile a fortran code:
gfortran mycode.f90 -0 mycode
To compile a fortran code that uses hdf libraries:
gfortran mycode.f90 -I/usr/ops/env64_rhel6/opt/hdf4/include -L/usr/ops/env64_rhel6/opt/hdf4/lib -lmfhdf -ldf -ljpeg -lz -lm -o mycode
Running the code
How to run a code even after a logout
nohup mycode &
Miscellaneous links
- Unix Nohup: Run a Command or Shell-Script Even after You Logout
- How do I run a Unix process in the background?
- Static, Shared Dynamic and Loadable Linux Libraries
- In Unix, what is a symbolic link, and how do I create one?
- How to symlink a file in Linux?
- How to Use "ldd" to Find a Program's Shared Libraries
- How can I find broken symlinks
- How to list all symbolic links in a directory
- Static link of shared library function in gcc