Numpy is a library for scientific computing in Python, and it provides several functions to find the nearest value and its index in an array:
Using argmin() function
One of the most commonly used methods is using numpy's argmin() function. This allows us to search through an entire array to find the closest number (or value) and its corresponding index. For example, say we have an array of numbers:
import numpy as np
A = np.random.random(10)
This code generate for example
array([ 0.47009242, 0.40242778, 0.02064198, 0.47456175, 0.83500227,
0.53205104, 0.14001715, 0.86691798, 0.78473226, 0.91123132])
We can use numpy's argmin() function to find the index of the closest value of
value = 0.5
idx = (np.abs(A-value)).argmin()
in this case it would be
Note that:
Other example with multidimensional array
Example 1
In the case of a multidimensional array:
>>> A = np.random.random((4,4))
>>> A
array([[ 0.81497314, 0.63329046, 0.53912919, 0.19661354],
[ 0.71825277, 0.61201976, 0.0530397 , 0.39322394],
[ 0.41617287, 0.00585574, 0.26575708, 0.39457519],
[ 0.25185766, 0.06262629, 0.69224089, 0.89490705]])
>>> X = np.abs(A-value)
>>> idx = np.where( X == X.min() )
>>> idx
(array([0]), array([2]))
>>> A[idx[0], idx[1]]
array([ 0.53912919])
Example 2
>>> value = [0.2, 0.5]
>>> A = np.random.random((4,4))
>>> A
array([[ 0.36520505, 0.91383364, 0.36619464, 0.14109792],
[ 0.19189167, 0.10502695, 0.39406069, 0.04107304],
[ 0.96210652, 0.5862801 , 0.12737704, 0.33649882],
[ 0.91871859, 0.95923748, 0.4919818 , 0.72398577]])
>>> B = np.random.random((4,4))
>>> B
array([[ 0.61142891, 0.90416306, 0.07284985, 0.86829844],
[ 0.2605821 , 0.48856753, 0.55040045, 0.65854238],
[ 0.83943169, 0.64682588, 0.50336359, 0.90680018],
[ 0.82432453, 0.10485762, 0.6753372 , 0.77484694]])
>>> X = np.sqrt( np.square( A - value[0] ) + np.square( B - value[1] ) )
>>> idx = np.where( X == X.min() )
>>> idx
(array([2]), array([2]))
>>> A[idx[0], idx[1]]
array([ 0.12737704])
>>> B[idx[0], idx[1]]
array([ 0.50336359])
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